For a few reasons, I am starting a new blog on WordPress. Please book mark me at and come visit me over there. One of the main reasons is that I will be able to guest blog and have guests on my blog easily via Another reason has to do with links and other tech items. I will keep this blog for awhile and may try doing two blogs, as I know that many writers do.
Happy Easter, Happy Passover! Passover means I can buy Coke at the grocery store without corn products, it comes in bottles with a yellow cap, for a week. One week out of a year. I'm off to Albertson's. Then, on Monday it means 1/2 price chocolate at Walgreen's. That's what I learned from my friend Ginny several years ago. She always bought chocolate after Easter and after Halloween. I like those little individually wrapped Dove dark chocolates, and never buy them ... except after Easter and Halloween. I keep them in the freezer and have one after dinner. Now to write!
A tale of two tyrants: was it abusive fathers?
Orville Schell is a grand old man of American sinology, the study of China,
as well as a long serving dean of the UC Berkeley Graduate School of
11 hours ago